MiniMax Video


Our API allows developers to generate, retrieve, and extend AI-generated content using a variety of inputs. This API is particularly useful for creative applications, such as generating video content using a text prompt as an instruction and an image as the first frame.

Step-by-Step Guide


All API requests require a Bearer token for authentication. Include your token in the Authorization header of each request.

Calling API

There are two APIs: the task of creating video generation and querying the status of video generation. The steps are as follows:

  1. Call the Generate Video API. It creates a video generation task and returned you generation_id.

  2. Call the Fetch Generation API. It queries the video generation status based on your generation_id.

  3. If your generation was successful, you can use the URL returned by the query interface to view and download the results through the File API.

Generate VideoFetch Generation

Last updated