
Learn how you can tweak results of your AI/ML API responses with tailored requests

Maximum Tokens

This parameter specifies the maximum number of tokens (words or pieces of words) that the model will generate in response to the prompt. A lower number of tokens typically results in faster response times.

Example Usage:

max_tokens = 50  # Limit the model to generate up to 50 tokens.

Stop Sequences

Stop sequences are strings that, when detected in the model's output, signal the model to stop generating further tokens. This is particularly useful when the desired output is a concise response or a single word.

Example Usage:

stop = ["\n"]  # Instructs the model to stop generating when it produces a newline character.


The temperature controls the randomness of the model's output. Setting it to 0 results in deterministic output, whereas higher values up to 1 introduce more variation and creativity in responses.

Example Usage:

temperature = 0.5  # Sets a balance between randomness and determinism.

Top P (Nucleus Sampling)

The top P parameter, also known as nucleus sampling, filters the model's token choices such that the cumulative probability of the tokens considered at each step is at least P. This method allows for more dynamic and contextually relevant responses.

Example Usage:

top_p = 0.9  # Only tokens that contribute to the top 90% cumulative probability are considered.

Top K (Top-K Sampling)

Top K limits the model's choices to the K most likely next tokens. Lower values can speed up generation and may improve coherency by focusing on the most probable tokens.

Example Usage:

top_k = 40  # The model will only consider the top 40 most probable next tokens.

Repetition Penalty

This parameter discourages the model from repeating the same line or phrase, promoting more diverse and engaging content.

Example Usage:

repetition_penalty = 1.2  # Applies a penalty to discourage repetition.

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